Monday, October 17, 2005

So Dave is really going to do it.

He's going to get a tattoo next weekend.

I'm glad I didn't come of age in a time when tattoos were a "rite of passage". Perfectly normal young people who would consider tattoos to be an unacceptable insult to their bodies become enamored with the idea right around their 18th birthday. What a coincidence: when you turn 18 in New York State, you can legally go get yourself a tattoo. And many do.

Of course I "googled" the relative safety of getting a tattoo if you happen to have an implanted defibrillator in your chest. The results were mixed. Apparently some of the equipment used in the process of applying the paint contain magnets but pose no greater danger than, say, your cell phone. Keep it 6 inches from your ICD and you'll be fine, they say. Others seem to think that the wise thing to do is to skip it. But that information was probably written by an OLD PERSON. (You know, over 50.)

I'll post a photo of Dave's tattoo here next week. Dave, send me a photo, will you?


Anonymous said...

Hey now, I never thought tattoos were bad. I'd always intended to get a couple. And hey, we don't conveniently get the idea when we're 18, that's just the time when it becomes reasonable to talk about it.

Ginny said...

Always? You always intended to get a tattoo? Yow. Your tattoo is fine. But you must have kept this interest to yourself back when you were young.